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The Compounding Power of Consistency


Before we think about the power of consistency, you may recognize that I haven't been very consistent. And that's ok.

I haven't sat down to write like this in the last 5 weeks, but I've been reminded of the importance of just getting thoughts down to share, and so that's what this is. This is the start of what I hope is a new consistency.

Everything seems to ebb and flow. Things have a way of balancing out. When caught up by the surprise COVID situation, we're reminded (I'm reminded) of exactly this.

One task or project new takes over primary importance, something else loses focus a little.

We've had to transition camps away from in-person instruction to being virtual & remote. That's an adjustment!

I've built systems to train and evaluate Junior prospects in a whole new way because we can't be with them in person.

There's a lot that's been going on for all of us. And so I've been inconsistent in writing to you. My fundamental process and routine was thrown off in recent weeks, much like yours.

And that's ok. That's how it went. This is a new reality. So I'm picking the pen back up.

(And Sidenote) This COVID situation represents well why I think it's so important to diversify who you are. If you pour all of your identity into one thing only, and it comes on difficult or inconsistent times (like now), then your entire being is threatened and on the ropes. If you only see yourself performing in a fixed box, then what happens when the box gets squeezed?

I'm mixing messages now. Consistency. Diversify yourself.

"Ok Josh, what's your point?"

My point is that when you are inconsistent, don't judge yourself too harshly. Don't get too down, beating yourself up for being so _____ (fill in the blank) that you missed the mark. Just get back after it. Get back on track.

There will be times that you're on fire. When everything is going well. Things are light. Easy.

There will also be times that you suck. People doubt you. Your vision tightens to only what's in front of you. You doubt yourself. Your performance is inconsistent.

And those are both ok.

Obviously, we want to be more consistently "in it" than "out of it". But how do we do that?

Focus on the consistency of process...not result.

The process feeds the result. You won't have consistent results without a proper process.

To illustrate, I've been training for the Murph workout during this social distancing mandate. Murph is a hero-CrossFit style workout, involving the following (done as fast as possible):

a) 1 Mile Run

b) 100 Pull-Ups

c) 200 Push-Ups

d) 300 Squats

e) 1 Mile Run

And all with a 20lb weighted vest. Here's a picture from 2019 Murph :D

You don't need a gym to do push-ups and squats.

And so every day, I've done my push-ups and squats. Sometimes the result feels better than others. Sometimes it feels easy. Often it's harder than the day before. Occasionally, I find myself groaning through it. Why is this harder than yesterday!?

But I do it nonetheless. I am consistent in my process. I focus on the process. I don't focus on the result. Not yet.

Because every single rep of the process is a chance to start fresh. A new opportunity for learning.

So far, I've accumulated over 4,200 push-ups and 6,500 squats (and counting)!

It takes consistency in process. The individual result doesn't matter...the fundamental process does. Felt good? Good. Felt bad? Good.


The process is what accumulates thousands of reps over years of work and dedication. Each individual day doesn't contribute nearly the same as the cumulative process.

I can admit, I have missed 2 days. One of them when I drove to Kansas City to pick up my brother who is now staying with me.

What did I do the next day? Got back to my process and made up for the lost time. I did double - I caught up! I had more important things to do the day I missed the work. But I didn't lament or give myself an excuse...I got after it.

I did the best with what the new reality was. And learned. And grew.

The process doesn't have to be complex! And it can be whatever you need it to be to keep getting just a little bit better. My process started with a low number of reps for each. And then I ramped up from there.

If you want to build consistency in the final result, build consistency in the process first.

Stay frosty, friends.



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