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3 Things to Do While You Are "Social Distancing"


Hi friends,

Unprecedented times here. Things feel weird.

But, we can make the most of whatever hand we're dealt with the right mindset and attitude. Things are weird, but that doesn't mean we can't make them feel a little less so.

Start this off as well, to say that if anyone wants to talk, you're always welcome to give me a ring: 720-206-4521

Ok! So down to a list of things you can do while socially distant in your self-quarantine for the next who knows how long...

1. DO NOTHING. Ok this is even weirder than I thought, telling you all to do nothing.

Literally Do Nothing. Do anything else besides think about hockey. Practice piano. Read a book. Read 10 books (ugh you really don't like me right now). Learn something new. Double down on investing in other skills besides hockey.

Although we'd all rather be at the rink right now, we have a forced recovery period. Get away from the game.

Many NHL players and goalies don't touch the ice for months after the season ends. It's a sort of 'detox' getting away. Sometimes you need to feel the longing of missing the game. Sometimes you need to be away to be reminded of how much you love what you do and how you play.

And that's all not even to mention the benefit on your body when you take these next couple weeks off. You will NOT fall behind. In fact, you may come back even better, more inspired, and hopeful for what's next for you.

So #1, do nothing.

2. Mental Strength. We should practice mental strength before we need it, not in reaction when bad things happen.

Mental strength should be a pre-emptive strike.

Practice building your mental muscle with positive thinking. If each thought is either a positive or negative drop, fill your bucket with only + drops. Mental strength should be a pre-emptive strike.

Practice good self talk, telling your own mind and body how strong, resilient, capable, and healthy you are.

Practice visualization. Make yourself into a strong, fierce animal. Many goalies like big cats because they are both powerful and nimble.

Practice gratitude. Your world opens up in possibility when you recognize and appreciate all you have. Tell those close to you that you love them and appreciate them too.

3. Stretch! Every morning around 9 am Central, our Instagram will live-stream a quick 5-minute stretching session and we'd love to have you join us! We're @canprogoalieschools and hope you can make it!

Even if you can't, we hope that you take advantage of this time to focus on repairing your body. Stretch, roll out, attend to aches and pains.

So to wrap everything up, #1 is just get away. Let this forced break be a break. Let yourself think of other things. Let your body recover.

And then focus on bringing your mind and your body together. Take care of your brain and mind, while loosening knots in your body.

I hope to see you at our morning stretch tomorrow.

Stay frosty, friends.




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Canadian Professional Goalie Schools

Stillwater, MN, 55082

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